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普吉岛素食节 2004


  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:钓崎清隆 地区:日本    类型:剧情 
  • 简介:有“安达曼海珍珠”之称的泰国度假胜地普吉岛于农历9月9日举行的素食节令世人惊倒它起源于19世纪初京剧团来普吉岛慰问锡矿山的中国劳工。不料该剧团遭遇到莫名疫病的 袭击,后来通过吃素食而清楚。自此岛民们把


这是2023最新好看的电影推荐_热门电影大全排行榜_看吧电影网 - 看吧影院(www.kanba.cc)为您带来的一部来自日本的剧情片。 她的名字是:《普吉岛素食节 2004》 ,她的演员是:未知 ,她的导演是:钓崎清隆  ,她的上映时间是:2004年。 普吉岛素食节 2004迅雷下载,在线播放,高清电影资源尽在@2023最新好看的电影推荐_热门电影大全排行榜_看吧电影网 - 看吧影院(www.kanba.cc),希望您能喜欢!
有“安达曼海珍珠”之称的泰国度假胜地普吉岛于农历9月9日举行的素食节令世人惊倒它起源于19世纪初京剧团来普吉岛慰问锡矿山的中国劳工。不料该剧团遭遇到莫名疫病的 袭击,后来通过吃素食而清楚。自此岛民们把这天作为素食节来纪念。这种禁制不仅限于饮食,甚至涉及饮酒、性交,通过禁欲修行而清理的身心,能成为具有超自然力量的神的替身,他们通过过激的自虐行为成为超人,在宣扬善恶的同时,走街串巷,为人们消灾降福。严格的素食主义让人心身体健,心里平安,以此切断恶德,休养善行。通过苦苦修行,锻炼坚韧的灵魂。2004年普吉岛素食节祭后2月,普吉岛遭遇海啸。Director: Tsurisaki KiyotakaCountry: JapanYear: 1995 - 2007JUNK FILMS is a "greatest hits" of sorts for Japanese photographer/director Tsurisaki Kiyotaka. It's an anthology that includes some of the most brutal and realistic death scenes filmed by Kiyotaka."As a photographer in a crowded industry, finding your own niche might be a difficult task. For artist Tsurisaki Kiyotaka, a request to shoot a dead body for an S&M magazine has turned into a prolific career that has seen him photographing more than 1,000 corpses in some of the world’s most volatile areas.Tsurisaki has published six books, two of which, Revelations (a 12-year anthology of his corpse shots) and Requiem De La Rue Morgue have been released in France. He also directed a film, Orozco El Embalsamador, which looks at the life of a Colombian embalmer. Intensely explicit, his work is not for the squeamish. But while there is an voyeuristic element of shock and gore value, the photos are strangely compelling – portrait-like, still life, or journalistic reportage, each corpse bearing testimony to a tragedy." - Bizarre Magazine.


